Creating subtotal and total on a stacked bar chart with dropdown filter

Hi, I have been struggling with bar charted with dropdown filter for weeks. Most solutions I found either doesn’t involved dropdown or only have very simple filter.

Here’s what I have currently:

My problem is that I couldn’t find a way to create a subtotal based on category X,Y,Z, and a total based on date.
Currently I’m doing three transform (2 filters for the dropdown and 1 groupby for X,Y,Z). Am I missing something? Am I supposed to calculate subtotal/total from scratch? Below is my sample code. Thanks for the help!

p <- df %>%
    type = 'bar', 
    x = ~date, 
    y = ~Petal.Length,
    # text = ~Species,
#    letter = ~letter,
#    showlegend=TRUE,
#    name = ~feature,
    hovertext=paste(df$feature, ": ", "y"),
#    hovertext = paste("Species: ", df$Species, "<br>Letter: ", df$letter, "<br>feature: ", df$feature),
    transforms = list(
        type = 'filter',
        target = ~Species,
        operation = '=',
        value = unique(df$Species)[1]
        type = 'filter',
        target = ~letter,
        operation = '=',
        value = unique(df$letter)[1]
        type = 'groupby',
        groups = ~feature,
        styles = list(
          list(target = 'X', name='X', value = list(marker =list(color = 'blue'))),
          list(target = 'Y', name='Y', value = list(marker =list(color = 'red'))),
          list(target = 'Z', name='Z', value = list(marker =list(color = 'black')))
      # list(
      #   type = 'aggregate',
      #   groups = ~feature,
      #   aggregations = list(
      #     list(target='y', func = 'sum', enabled = T)
      #   )
      # )
    )) %>% layout(
      updatemenus = list(
          type = 'dropdown',
          active = 0,
          pad = list('r'= 0, 't'= 10, 'b' = 10),
          x = 0.5,
          y = 1.27,
          buttons = list(
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[0].value", sort(unique(df$Species))[1]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$Species))[1]),
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[0].value", sort(unique(df$Species))[2]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$Species))[2]),
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[0].value", sort(unique(df$Species))[3]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$Species))[3])
          type = 'dropdown',
          active = 0,
          pad = list('r'= 0, 't'= 10, 'b' = 10),
          x = 0.1,
          y = 1.27,
          buttons = list(
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[1].value", sort(unique(df$letter))[1]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$letter))[1]),
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[1].value", sort(unique(df$letter))[2]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$letter))[2]),
            list(method = "restyle",
                 args = list("transforms[1].value", sort(unique(df$letter))[3]),
                 label = sort(unique(df$letter))[3])