Cannot read properties of undefined


Yes, this does seem like a bug. You have a nice MWE, so you could open an issue.

As a workaround, you could try not using virtualization, and controlling the height of the table :

use pagination:


or to set the height of the table like this

    style_table={'height': '300px', 'overflowY': 'auto'},

More options here: DataTable Height | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly

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Thanks for confirming, I prefer to use virtualization. My client side callback runs slower when using paging.

If anyone still facing this issue,
I was getting the same error due to dropdown_conditional in layout passed as None. changing it to empty list as solve the issue for me.

I wish that was the case for me, I still get the same error. I even set all three dropdown values to empty list or array.