Assistance with yaxis range

To give full context. I’m getting some CSV data (from a certain period of time) parsing it using papaparse, then splitting the data into an array of dates (these are actual date objects created through momentjs) and an object with arrays, the keys being based off other headers in the original data.

The issue I’m having is that the yaxis (that is being populated via the keyed object arrays) doesn’t go in the correct order/work how I would expect it too. I’m sure I must have just missed or misunderstood something but here’s some semi-pseudo code for the layout/plot creation (so I don’t print everything out) and a screenshot showing what’s going on with the yaxis.

const layoutConfig = {
    title: false,
    xaxis: {
        linecolor: '#000000',
        linewidth: 2,
        type: 'date',
        dtick: 43200000,
        tickformat: '%a\n%H:%M'
    yaxis: {
        linecolor: '#000000',
        linewidth: 2
     margin: {
        l: 50,
        r: 50,
        b: 100,
        t: 50,
        pad: 4
    dragmode: 'pan'

let traces = [{ x, y, marker: { color: '#7d7e35' }, mode: 'lines' }];
).then(() => {


The thing with Papaparse is, that it has another assumption about the format of the CSV than you might think.
Since we’re missing the actual data here I’d assume that the data isn’t parsed as you expected it to.

I use Papaparse to create a CSV from the data I use for Plotly (so the other way round what you’re doing) and I need to transpose the data first, before using it with Papaparse, because it assumes that each array passed is a line for the CSV.

What we actually have with Plotly, though, are columns of data and not lines of data.

I may be overassuming what you’re doing here, but I have no other choice to use Ockham’s razor, because you’re not presenting the code producing the actual data.