Adding Multiple Sparklines in Dash AG-Grid

Hey, first time posting so apologies if I put this in the wrong place.

I’m trying to test Ag-Grid’s Sparklines ( and was wondering if I’m able to have 2 sparklines in the same cell. All the examples I was able to find only have 1 sparkline in a cell but my goal is to plot 2 sparklines. If this is possible, how would I go about doing this?

Thank you!

Hi @a8huang !
Welcome :tada:

I’m not sure you can have 2 sparklines in the same cell out of the box.
But good news, actually, you can put anything you want in a cell, including Plotly figures. with a little more effort but that’s not that complicated!
Take a look at this example to add a graph:

You should be able to create a figure for your need.

And you don’t need an enterprise licence, it’s an open source feature :grin:

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